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- 漫畫新聞
- Tales From The Crypt Reboot: It’s Not Happening
- Peter David
- Bloodshot reborn #0
- Divinty III: starlinverse新角色- Red Legend
- Divinity III: Escape From Gulag 396
- Miracleman delay咗幾次終於出
- Spiderman新劇情 – Parker vs Osborn
- 松鼠女25週年, 1月11出版週年刊
- Inhumans Prime (One-shot)
- Deadpool – Til Death Do Us…
- Robert Kirkman Skybound imprint新作 – Extremity
- Hanna Barbera (漢納巴伯拉動畫)出版週年刊one shot
- Greg Capullo簽定合約, 為DC寫Rebirth Event Book, 於2017年下夏天推出
- Gotham City Sirens
- Free Comic Book Day 公佈12本書的Title
- John Wick Comes to dynamite Comics in 2017
- 主題
- Rouge One 影評
- Assassin’s Creed 影評
- Podcast 一週年回顧吹水篇
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